An Evening with Tim Flannery and Showcasing Community Action was able to bring together 15 local organisations and highlight their work in the Surf Coast so the broader community could learn more about these organisations and their projects. A total of 15 organisations, including SCEG were able to present to attendees information about their group and some of the projects they are passionate about.
These groups included: Great Ocean Road Coast Committee, Surfers Appreciating the Natural Environment, Jan Juc Coast Action, Plastic Bag Free Torquay, Energy for the People, The People’s Solar, Surfrider Foundation, Green Energy Solutions, Going off Grid, Frack Free Moriac, Geelong Sustainability, Torquay College PS, St. Therese Catholic PS and Quiksilver Foundation.
The evening was capped off with a talk by Professor Tim Flannery where he spoke openly about the Surf Coast community:
“There are daunting challenges facing communities like yours”
“I’ve lived long enough in this state to see what happens when people don’t care”
“There’s enough money to be made from subdividing this place and destroying its biodiversity that someone will take the opportunity unless local communities are incredibly staunch”
“You have to find a way to make sure that you get what the community wants and what is in the community’s long-term interest”.
Listen to entire talk below:
To come – Tim Flannery Talk

Rob Brown and Alison Marchant

Students from St. Therese Catholic PS