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Grassroots Action at it’s Best

Damien Cole is a committee member of the Surf Coast Energy Group. He is also one of those rare breed of people that lives and breathes his principles. A strong connection to country, to people and to nature is how I would sum up Damo. Add the important ingredients of ‘at home in front of a crowd’, an excellent communicator, …

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Repair Café Surf Coast Running Strong

SCEG members Jo Murray and Sue Guinness are the co-founders and organisers for the Repair Café Surf Coast. Repair Cafe Surf Coast is a monthly pop-up event where volunteers help visitors from the community to repair broken and worn-out items. It provides the opportunity for skilled, knowledgeable community members to share their skills and help others within our community who …

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Solar Solutions for Renters

The Surf Coast Energy Group is exploring opportunities for a solar garden in the Surf Coast Shire. A solar garden is a large solar PV system in which individual panels are owned by electricity consumers. The electricity generated by the solar panels is credited to the owner’s household electricity bill, even though the panels are located elsewhere. While any electricity …

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Spring Creek and our Future

The local community have been working hard to save Spring Creek since 2008. Since then there has been massive development at Armstrong Creek (now a northern suburb of Torquay) all of which is already having an enormous impact on Torquay infrastructure and the natural environment. Consider this, in 2015 the population of Torquay was about 15,000. By 2040 it is …

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Renewable Energy Hub

We heard it hot of the press at yesterday’s forums. With Libby Coker for Corangamite and Mark Butler MP. Richard Marles MP.