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Dear Protect Spring Creek Supporter, As you may be aware, a decision on the Distinctive Areas and Landscape (DAL) designation for the Surf Coast Shire by Victoria’s Minister for Planning, The Hon. Richard Wynne is imminent.   Our ‘Protect Spring Creek’ campaign in the summer of 2020/21 was incredibly successful; in all, more than 6,000 residents responded to the government’s engagement process.  Our …

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Corangamite Climate Response Candidates’ Forum

On Thursday 24 March at 6.30 – 8.00pm the Corangamite Climate Alliance will be hosting a Corangamite Candidates’ Forum focused on climate change response. The community is encouraged to come along, to get informed and be inspired about the future we can create with strong federal leadership. We will hear from ALP’s Libby Coker MP, Liberal candidate Stephanie Asher and …

Film Night – 17th March

Damon Gameau’s new short film Regenerating Australia will be shown next Thursday 17th 17 March, 6:30pm in Geelong at the Village Cinema. Please buy tickets at SCEG would like to endorse this event and hope that you can go and support this important work. It’s the 17 mins of a vision of hope we all need to keep fighting for a safe climate future. …

A new consultation in now live on Engage Victoria

Dear SCEG members Beach Enterprise Project – Pipeline Licence Application is now live on Engage Victoria. This consultation relates to Environment and involves the gas pipeline around the Otways and Port Campbell  The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change is inviting written submissions on the Pipeline Licence Application. Get the word out!

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Newsletter December 2021

Dear Members and supporters, As 2021 rushes to a conclusion the SCEG committee has never been so busy. SCEG has always been about tackling climate change and sustainability, but we’ve sharpened that focus in recent times with the ‘E’ in SCEG signifying not just Energy but also Ecology, Economy and Equity. This very deliberate step acknowledges that it is not …

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Surfers Appreciating Natural Environment Working Bee

On Sunday 10th October the Surfers Appreciating Natural Environment (SANE) carried out another working bee to remove Gorse. It was the 3rd one for this year. They say timing is everything and the removal of another huge amount stopped short the production of tens of thousands of rapidly maturing seeds. As the big pile of Gorse grew over the morning …

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Newsletter June 2021

Dear Members and supporters, Please find below the latest SCEG newsletter.  You’ll see that this bumper edition focuses on SCEG’s work around the Protect Spring Creek campaign and the Distinctive Areas & Landscapes (DAL) process.  This has been a huge focus for SCEG in the past year or two and continues to be.  I’d like to send a big shout-out …